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How to do CPR and find BLS Classes Near Me?

A person giving chest compressions

Before you begin CPR, you want to always make sure that the scene is safe. We cannot help anyone if we get hurt.

How to Do CPR?

After making sure that the scene is safe, tap the individual on the shoulders to make sure that he/she is unresponsive.

Once you tap the individual and the person does not respond, shout for help.

If you are a healthcare professional or have worked with patients you can check the person's pulse. The pulse you are going to check is called the carotid pulse. You find the carotid pulse by placing your fingers on the side of the person's neck. Healthcare Professionals are required to take the BLS (Basic Life Support) for Healthcare Providers course. To find BLS Classes Near Me

click below.

Individuals that are not in the healthcare field are not encouraged to check for a pulse due to the time wasted in determining if the patient has a good pulse or not.

CPR consists of chest compressions and giving breaths.

You are going to place your interlocked hands on the sternum or the lower half of the breast bone in the center of the chest.

Make sure your shoulders are over your hands and that you are in a comfortable position (You could be doing CPR for a while).

Press straight down 2 inches deep

You want to press hard and fast about 100 compressions per minute.

Give 30 chest compressions

After giving the compressions, you will get into position to give breaths

Place one hand on the person's forehead and two fingers of the opposite hand on the person's chin and then lift. This opens the person's airway so that your breaths can be effectively delivered.

Once the head is lifted, take the hand on the person's forehead and pinch the nose.

Give 2 breaths, watching for the chest to rise.

After giving the 2 breaths, resume chest compressions.

BLS Classes Near ME

We hope this information will be helpful and useful in the event of an emergency. We recommend you take an in-person course with a licensed CPR instructor.

To find a CPR or BLS Class Near Me, click below

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